http://dekkid.blogspot.comInformation systems
Information systems are implemented within an organization for the purpose of improving the effectiveness and efficiency of that organization. Capabilities of the information system and characteristics of the organization, its work systems, its people, and its development and implementation methodologies together determine the extent to which that purpose is achieved.
Examples of information systems in organization
Computer Science
Researching Next Generation Software Concepts
We drive long term differentiation for Samsung platforms such as phones, TVs, set top boxes, etc. by combining the best of computer science with Consumer Electronics (CE). Our objective is to research and develop next generation software concepts to make the Samsung platform the CE platform of choice. Our research involves building prototypes to validate our idea. Our motto is 'Innovate by Doing'. Our current research areas include System Research, Advanced Browser Technology and Intelligent Storage Architecture.
System Research
We perform fundamental research in language, compiler and operating system technologies for future business platforms. Current work includes the development of parallel languages for multicore and manycore embedded systems, as well as parallel run-times/operating systems that provide significant improvements in performance and scalability over existing monolithic solutions. New directions include the use of microkernel-based operating systems to build scalable and transparent distributed processing, as well as intelligent run-time systems that provide architecture-aware and context-aware performance optimization.
Advanced Browser Technology
HTML5 and other new additions to web technology make web programming an attractive alternative to native programming for devices such as smartphones, tablets and DTVs. Our mission is to enhance the web platform on Samsung devices by extending core web technologies from multiple perspectives, including performance, security and user interface / user experience. Our current work covers a variety of topics such as hardware acceleration to boost application performance, new security models for web applications and new JavaScript APIs and frameworks.
Intelligent Storage Architecture
Data-intensive applications have been posing increasing challenges to storage systems over the past decade. An inflection point has now been reached, requiring new storage architectures for these applications. Our mission is to conduct research to identify technologies and architecture for future zetta-scale storage systems and to build prototype systems for data-intensive applications. Our current work includes developing models for advanced storage, networking and system software technologies. We develop an architectural simulator for scalable distributed storage systems and validate the simulation results on a real test bed.